Conjugación del verbo TO AGREE

Infinitive: agree
Past tense: agreed
Past participle: agreed

El verbo inglés "to agree" es un verbo regular y transitivo. Es un verbo popular dentro de la lengua inglesa, por lo que si quieres aprender inglés correctamente deberás conocer también cómo es la conjugación del verbo TO AGREE en todos los tiempos verbales y cuándo debes utilizar cada uno.

Significado del verbo TO AGREE

El verbo to agree significa "estar de acuerdo". Sin embargo, su significado puede verse modificado dependiendo del contexto y, en especial, cuando lo acompañan ciertas preposiciones dando lugar a los conocidos como phrasal verbs con agree.

Ejemplos de frases con el verbo to agree

Para profundizar mejor en este verbo, te mostramos algunas frases y su contexto:

  • "I agree with you that pizza is the best food ever." (Estoy de acuerdo contigo en que la pizza es la mejor comida del mundo).
  • "Let's agree to meet at the café at 3pm." (Convenimos en encontrarnos en el café a las 3 de la tarde).
  • "The team agreed on a plan of action to complete the project." (El equipo llegó a un acuerdo sobre un plan de acción para completar el proyecto).
  • "I'm afraid I can't agree with your proposal, it's not feasible." (Lo siento, no puedo estar de acuerdo con tu propuesta, no es factible).
  • "We need to agree on the terms and conditions of the contract before signing it." (Tenemos que ponernos de acuerdo en los términos y condiciones del contrato antes de firmarlo).
  • "I think we can all agree that the movie was really good." (Creo que todos podemos estar de acuerdo en que la película fue muy buena).

  • "Although we have different opinions, we can still agree to respect each other's views." (Aunque tengamos opiniones diferentes, podemos convenir en respetar las opiniones de los demás).
  • "I'm glad we finally agreed on a vacation destination." (Me alegra que finalmente hayamos llegado a un acuerdo sobre el destino de las vacaciones).

Usos del verbo Agree

Aquí te dejo algunos usos comunes del verbo "agree" (convenir o estar de acuerdo) en distintos contextos:

  • Usado para expresar acuerdo o aceptación de una idea, opinión o propuesta. Por ejemplo: "I agree with your plan to start a new business."
  • Usado para expresar acuerdo en un plan de acción o decisión. Por ejemplo: "The team agreed to work overtime to finish the project on time."
  • Usado para expresar la existencia de un acuerdo entre dos o más partes. Por ejemplo: "We agreed to meet at the park at 2 pm."
  • Usado para expresar la concordancia o compatibilidad de dos o más cosas. Por ejemplo: "Your description of the situation agrees with what I heard."
  • Usado para expresar la conformidad o aceptación de ciertas condiciones. Por ejemplo: "He agreed to sign the contract as long as the terms were fair."
  • Usado para expresar la coincidencia o similitud de dos o más cosas. Por ejemplo: "Her version of the events agrees with the police report."


I agree
You agree
He / She / It agrees
We agree
You agree
They agree
I agreed
You agreed
He / She / It agreed
We agreed
You agreed
They agreed


Presente continuo
I am agreeing
You are agreeing
He / She / It is agreeing
We are agreeing
You are agreeing
They are agreeing
Pasado continuo
I was agreeing
You were agreeing
He / She / It was agreeing
We were agreeing
You were agreeing
They were agreeing
Pasado perfecto continuo
I had been agreeing
You had been agreeing
He / She / It had been agreeing
We had been agreeing
You had been agreeing
They had been agreeing
Presente perfecto
I have agreed
You have agreed
He / She / It has agreed
We have agreed
You have agreed
They have agreed
Pasado perfecto
I had agreed
You had agreed
He / She / It had agreed
We had agreed
You had agreed
They had agreed
Futuro perfecto continuo
I will have been agreeing
You will have been agreeing
He / She / It will have been agreeing
We will have been agreeing
You will have been agreeing
They will have been agreeing
I will agree
You will agree
He / She / It will agree
We will agree
You will agree
They will agree
Futuro continuo
I will be agreeing
You will be agreeing
He / She / It will be agreeing
We will be agreeing
You will be agreeing
They will be agreeing
Futuro perfecto
I will have agreed
You will have agreed
He / She / It will have agreed
We will have agreed
You will have agreed
They will have agreed
Presente perfecto continuo
I have been agreeing
You have been agreeing
He / She / It has been agreeing
We have been agreeing
You have been agreeing
They have been agreeing
Condicional simple
I would agree
You would agree
He / She / It would agree
We would agree
You would agree
They would agree
Condicional Perfecto
I would have agreed
You would have agreed
He / She / It would have agreed
We would have agreed
You would have agreed
They would have agreed


agree | Let's agree


Infinitivo: agree
Participio: agreed
Gerundio: agreeing