Phrasal verbs con KEEP

Consulta la lista de phrasal verbs con keep. Este verbo, que significa mantener o guardar, al unirlo a preposiciones o adverbios adquiere nuevos significados y usos. Aprende los phrasal verbs con keep con la siguiente lista y todos sus significados. También puedes consultar si son phrasal verbs separables, ya que a la hora de utilizarlos deber tener en cuenta la persona o el objeto para colocarlo de forma correcta en la frase. Conoce además la conjugación del verbo TO KEEP con nuestras tablas.

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verb Significado Traducción Ejemplo
keep ahead to go ahead, to get ahead mantenerse al frente, a la cabeza The new shop keeps ahead because of its good prices.
keep at to persevere in work or an action insistir, perseverar el algo I wanted to finish my report so I keep at it and worked till 9 o'clock.
keep away to move away, to draw away alejarse, apartarse Keep away from the window, it's too dangerous.
keep [sth] back to mask, to hide ocultar, esconder William's been acting strange. I think he's keeping something back from me.
keep back to be delayed retrasarse Kate and Tom have kept back, they stopped to buy some food.
keep down to prevent from growing, accomplishing, or succeeding: retener, reprimir, oprimir The demonstrators have been kept down by the police.
keep [sth] down to hold under control or at a reduced level; to reduce reducir, bajar Could you keep the music down, please?
keep in to make someone to stay in a place quedarse The teacher kept me in after class because I talked all the time.
keep in to have a good relationship with someone llevarse bien con alguien Try to keep in with Helen, because you'll spend many hours working with her.
keep off to stay away from alejarse de, apartarse de Keep the children off the oven, I'm baking bread.
keep off to avoid eating or drinking something evitar I must keep off pumpkins, I'm allergic to them.
keep on to continue continuar, seguir You have shown great improvement, keep on practicing.
keep on at to repeat something repetir Bill keeps on at Richard to look for a better job.
keep out to wait outside, don't let someone entry no dejar entrar, permanecer fuera If Jonh comes, please keep him out, because I don't want to see him.
keep to to save a secret cumplir con, mantener un secreto I'll tell you what really happened, I know you'll keep it to yourself.
keep up to continue continuar haciendo algo You're doing a wonderful job. Keep it up!
keep up to maintain in good condition mantener en buenas condiciones He kept up the property.
keep up to remain adequately informed mantenerse informado She loved to keep up on the gossip.